Lahaina Fire Recovery Program  

Welcome to the Lahaina Fire Recovery Program – a comprehensive initiative by non-profit Regenerative Education Centers (REC) dedicated to recovery efforts for the Lahaina Maui Fire and all of our neighbors affected. Our mission is to provide immediate and long term relief, regenerative solutions, and sustainable support to individuals and families impacted by this devastating tragedy. Together, we are working towards a brighter, more resilient future for our community.

Program Overview and Objectives:

The Maui Wildfire Recovery Program is a dynamic program that focuses on addressing both the immediate and long-term needs of those affected by the Lahaina fires. Our goal is to provide essential resources, innovative solutions, and collaborative efforts to rebuild and strengthen our community.

  1. Regenerative Infrastructure:

    1. Construct sustainable and fire-resistant off-grid Tiny Homesteads to give away to those displaced by the Maui fires.

    2. Implement regenerative agricultural practices to restore the land and promote self-sufficiency.

    3. Develop resource-efficient infrastructure for water, power, and waste management.

  2. Collaborative Network:

    1. Partner with local nonprofits, community leaders, and influencers to streamline relief efforts.

    2. Collaborate with professionals in various fields to provide holistic support, from electricity and plumbing to solar expertise and agriculture guidance.

  3. Funding and Resource Mobilization:

    1. Seek donations from individuals, businesses, and organizations to fund relief efforts and ongoing operations.

    2. Utilize social media, influencers, and community engagement to rally volunteers, resources, and financial support.

  4. Long-Term Recovery Planning:

    1. Collaborate with governmental agencies, including the county, to secure resources for rebuilding and recovery.

    2. Develop a comprehensive plan for the sustainable reconstruction of affected areas.

Off-Grid Tiny Homesteads

The Tiny Homesteads have a 45 x 45‘ footprint using several different models depending on the size and needs of the family. 

  • Building :

  • a pumpable gray- and black-water systems, 

  • a 5-10 kW solar systems, and 

  • Atmospheric watering units for drinking water.


Different scenarios, For instance, as we build them, a family of 8 will also have a “cube” or container for storage, and an additional 40-foot container made into three rooms.

These tiny homesteads they will be given away for free The Tiny Homesteads will be given with no strings attached to the victims of the fire. (Did you lose your home in the Lahaina fires? Apply for a free Tiny Homestead here)

A food program, through buying and growing food on site that we will provide to any displaced residents free of charge

We also have a food truck program where we will be feeding hundreds of people every day through food that we grow onsite and what we provide through donation.

Regenerative Agriculture to Feed Displaced People and Create Food Security

We are running our regenerative agriculture program for feeding those displaced by the fires. We are growing hundreds of thousands of pounds of produce using regenerative models that will go directly to the people within a 6 mile area of our Olowalu farm site, and within the burn zone. 

Our executive director, Eddy Garcia, has set up living regenerative systems for the last 30 years, which focuses on the voyaging plants, in a form of Agroforestry, as well as understory growing, that creates extremely high yields nutrient-dense food, while building soil and regenerating the land, these models use a fraction of the water of conventional farming.

Everything we are growing with this program goes directly to those affected by the fire. We are creating weekly boxes of food, partnering with food trucks, restaurants, and other food producers, to make good nutritious food available to our community. We are also hiring folks who were displaced by the fire to take part in this educating them to a new career.

Evaluation and Metrics:

We are committed to transparency and accountability. We measure our success by tracking:

  • The number of individuals provided with shelter, food, water, and communication services.

  • The success of regenerative farming practices and infrastructure development.

  • The impact of our program through the number of families reconnected and supported.

  • The funds raised and resources acquired for sustained operations.

Communication and Marketing:

Stay connected with us through social media platforms, press releases, and collaborations with influencers. We'll keep you informed about our progress, share success stories, and update you on the program's impact. Your support matters!

Sustainability and Future Plans:

Our journey doesn't end with immediate relief. We're here for the long haul:

  • Forge partnerships for ongoing support with local businesses and community members.

  • Develop educational programs on regenerative practices and disaster preparedness to enhance community resilience.

  • Plan for the continuation and expansion of the relief center's services beyond the immediate crisis.

Ethical Considerations:

We hold the dignity and well-being of individuals and families at the forefront. We operate with transparency and accountability in managing funds and resources. Our commitment to regenerative practices will empower Maui's self-sufficiency.

By joining hands with the Maui Wildfire Recovery Program, you're contributing to a brighter future for Lahaina. Through collaboration, innovation, and community engagement, we strive to rebuild and restore our community, offering comfort, sustenance, and hope during this challenging time. Stand with us as we work towards a regenerative future for Lahaina and pave the way for regrowth, restoration, and hope.

Contact Us:

For inquiries, partnerships, or support, please reach out to:


Phone: 808-446-6897


Follow us on Instagram for updates: @livingearthsystems or @recentersorg

To Volunteer : Click Here!